Legal Publications
Our legal publications provide you with a comprehensive information on current legal topics. Aside from our legal handouts focused on recent topics, our legal guide introduces company laws in Taiwan, labor laws, company related taxes, and legal matters related to intellectual property. The legal guide also point out specific differences to Germany and serves as a valuable reference for legal professionals as well as non-legal professionals.
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European Chips Act
German Supply Chain Due Dilligence Act
Einsatz von Selbstständigen in Taiwan
BusinessFocus Taiwan: Legal Guide
Law & Taxes in Taiwan (Recht und Steuern in Taiwan)
Our BusinessFocus Taiwan Legal Guide: Law & Taxes provides a comprehensive introduction of the company laws in Taiwan and points out specific differences to Germany. Moreover, this publication shows an overview of the labour law and company related taxes.
Quick Facts
- Published in cooperation with Eiger Law
- Language: German
- 2017, 2nd Edition
- 65 Pages
Industrial Property and Intellectual Property
Our BusinessFocus Taiwan: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und geistiges Eigentum in Taiwan Marken, Patente, Urheber- und sonstige Rechte provides an overview of legal matters related to intellectual property e.g. trademarks, patents, copyright and competition law, and trade secrets.
It is aimed at German-speaking investors, entrepreneurs as well as individuals interested in protecting their immaterial rights in Taiwan. The publication contains information regarding the registration of trademarks and patents and the legal remedies in case of an infringement of those. Furthermore, it provides an outline of the registration of a domain in Taiwan at the Taiwan Network Information Center.
- Published in cooperation with Eiger Law
- Language: German
- December 2017, 4th Edition
- 20 pages
- Available at our office