Logo of The German Trade Office Taipei

Fichtner Pacific Engineers, Inc.


6F, 101 Chang An East Road, Sec. 2, 0, Taipei City, 104, Taiwan
Taipei City


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  • Power supply (electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning)
  • Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
  • Provision of professional, scientific and technical services
  • Administration and management of companies and businesses; management consulting
  • Provision of other economic services (administrative and support service activities)


Fichtner Pacific Engineers, Inc. was Fichtner Pacific Engineers was established in 1989 in Taipei as a fully owned subsidiary of the Fichtner Group and has been providing since then independent engineering and consultancy services for a wide variety of environmental protection, energy and infrastructure projects. Our declared common goal is the long-term satisfaction of our clients. Our endeavors are centered on their interests and success. Fichtner Pacific Engineers has been the vanguard for implementing modern waste to Energy plants in Taiwan, thereby employing and introducing newest technology based on Fichtner’s worldwide incineration know how. Furthermore, power plant projects for international clients in many countries have been engineered, as well as a variety of water and infrastructure projects applying international top technology. Together with our German head office we are also providing our long-term knowledge and local experience for renewable energy projects in the solar and offshore wind sector in Taiwan.

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