Logo of The German Trade Office Taipei

German Energy Solutions Initiative

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) initiated the German Energy Solutions Initiative to support small-scale and medium-sized German companies related to the energy sector by opening foreign markets.

Exportinitiative Energie
fokke baarssen/shutterstock.com / fokke baarssen


Introduction to the German Energy Solutions Initiative

Mittelstand Global Exportinitiative

The initiative is implemented in coordination with German industry associations as members of the advisory council and in cooperation with partners such as the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs), the German Energy Agency (dena), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and further international project partners and service providers.


Around 700 companies participate in over 170 events and projects every year. The annual budget of the German Energy Solutions Initiative amounts to more than €20 million. The promotion of smart and sustainable energy in Germany has resulted in the establishment of an industry which offers some of the world’s leading technologies. This industry encompasses several thousand small and medium-sized enterprises specialized in the development, design and production of renewable energy systems, energy efficiency solutions, smart grids and storage technologies.


With this level of expertise and experience in the promotion and deployment of renewable and smart energy solutions, Germany is a perfect partner for business cooperation. The German Energy Solutions Initiative aims to strengthen the position of German energy technologies on the international market and support firms to find adequate partners to market their solutions abroad.


For more information on the German Energy Solutions Initiative please visit the following website:

Previous German Energy Solutions Initiative Projects

Energy Efficiency Delegation Program to Germany with a focus on rooftop systems and self- sufficiency (February 2022)

Date: February 13 to 17, 2022

Content: The business delegation trip of Taiwanese companies to Germany that was organized by DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. and ecolareon GmbH helped to establish and foster the business relationship between German and Taiwanese companies and authorities in the solar and photovoltaic industry. The business trip was part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Energy Efficiency in Industry and Trade in Taiwan (May 2022)

Date: May 2 to 6, 2022

Content: During the virtual business trip “Energy Efficiency in Industry and Trade”, German companies had the opportunity to present their products and services to a Taiwanese trade audience. Furthermore, DEinternational Ltd, the service unit of the German Trade Office Taipei, set up individual business meetings for each participating company to meet with relevant decision-makers and potential business partners from Taiwan. The virtual business trip is part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Solar Industry in Taiwan (September 2021)

Date: September 27 to October 1, 2021

The virtual business trip “Solar Industry in Taiwan” offered German companies the opportunity to present their products and services to a Taiwanese trade audience. Furthermore, DEinternational Ltd, the service unit of the German Trade Office Taipei, set up individual business meetings for each participating company to meet with relevant decision-makers and potential business partners from Taiwan. The virtual business trip is part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Online/Hybrid Fact-Finding Trip to Germany (April 2021)

Date: April 19 to 23, 2021

Content: As commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy; the German Trade Office Taipei organized a digital delegation visit to leading German energy efficiency solutions providers. Taiwanese participants can learn about European Energy Efficiency Standards and hear directly from leading German solutions providers who to increase energy efficiency in their production site or place of business.

AHK Trade Mission to Taiwan: Smart Grids (May 2020)

Date: Mai 11 to 15, 2020

Content: Content: DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. and the eclareon jointly organized a business delegation focusing on Smart Grids in Taiwan. Five renowned German companies joined this trade mission and presented their services in a one-day web conference, followed by three days of one-on-one meetings with potential Taiwanese customers.

AHK Trade Mission to Taiwan: Offshore Wind Energy (September 2019)

Date: September 23 to 27, 2019

Content: DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. and the OAV jointly organized a business delegation focusing on the Offshore Wind Energy in Taiwan. Five renowned German companies had the unique chance to visit Taiwan and participate in a one-day conference, followed by three days of one-on-one meetings with potential Taiwanese customers.

Fact-finding trip to Germany: Efficient Energy Consumption in Germany: Traction Batteries and Charging Infrastructure (July 2019)

Dates: July 6 to 13, 2019

Content: DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. and Baden-Württemberg International jointly organized a fact-finding trip for 21 Taiwanese delegates of 15 different companies and governmental institutions to Germany. The trip started with a networking and information event held at the Fraunhofer ISI. On the following four days, the group had the chance to visit different German companies such as EnBW, Robert Bosch, Lion Smart and the Helmholtz-Institute in Ulm to learn more about traction batteries and charging structures in Germany.

AHK Trade Mission to Taiwan: Energy Efficiency in Buildings (November 2018)

Date: November 19 to 23, 2018

Content: DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. and Baden-Württemberg International jointly organized a business delegation focusing on the Green Building Sector in Taiwan. Four renowned German companies had the unique chance to visit Taiwan and participate in a one-day green building conference, followed by three days of one-on-one meetings with potential Taiwanese customers.  

Fact-finding trip to Germany: Grid Integration & Smart Grids (April 2018)

Date: April 15 to 20, 2018

Content: DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. and Baden-Württemberg International jointly organized a fact-finding trip for 16 Taiwanese delegates of 13 different companies and governmental institutions to Germany. The trip started with a networking and information event held in Karlsruhe at the Fraunhofer ICT. On the following four days, the group had the chance to visit different German companies such as Siemens, Juwi AG and the Stuttgart Airport to learn more about grid integration of renewables, demand-response management, battery storage solutions and smart grids.

AHK Trade Mission to Taiwan: Offshore-Wind Energy (July 2017)

Date: April 11 to 14, 2017

Content: The German Trade Office Taipei and Baden-Württemberg International jointly organized a business delegation focusing on the Offshore Wind Energy Industry in Taiwan. This delegation trip was part of the German Energy Export Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. In addition to a kick-off conference with over 150 participants, the delegation members also had B2B meetings with Taiwanese companies and governmental agencies to establish ties for further mutual benefiting relationships between relevant stakeholders.

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