Economic Data
Stay informed about the latest data and statistics regarding the German and Taiwanese economies.
General Information
Taiwan | Germany | |
Area in km² | 36,197 | 357,176 |
Population in mil. (2021) | 23,53 | 83,1 |
Population density (residents/km²) | 652 | 236 |
Population growth (yoy, 2020) | 0.16% | 0% |
General Indicators
Taiwan | Germany | |
GDP in bil. USD (2020) | 669.0 | 3,936 |
GDP per capita in USD (2020) | 28,371 | 47,336 |
Economic growth rate (2020) | 3.12% | -3.86% |
Economic growth rate 2021 (forecast) | 5.46% | 3.3% |
Average wage in USD/month (2020) | 1,444 | 4.595 |
CPI inflation rate (2020) | -0.23% | -0.3% |
Labor Force
Taiwan | Germany | |
Working population in mil. (2020) | 11,5 | 42,29 |
Unemployment rate (2020) | 3.85% | 4.4% |
Foreign Trade
Taiwan | Germany | |
Exports in bn. USD (2020) | 345.3 | 1,378.0 |
Imports in bn. USD (2020) | 286.5 | 1,171.6 |
Foreign exchange reserves in bn. USD (2020) | 529.9 | 219.1 |
Major Trading Partners
Taiwan | Germany | |
Supplier countries | P.R. China, Japan, USA, South Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia | Netherlands, P.R. China, France, USA, Italy, UK, Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia |
Customer countries | P.R. China, Hong Kong, USA, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Germany | France, USA, UK, Netherlands, P.R. China, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland |
Main export goods | Machineries and Electrical Equipment, Basic Metals an Articles thereof, Rubber, Plastics and Products thereof, Chemicals, Iron and Steel, Mineral Products, Refined Petroleum Products, Textile Products, Metal Products (Excl. Iron and Steel) | Automobile, Machineries, Chemicals, Data Processing Equipment, Electronics, Metals and Articles thereof, Pharmaceuticals, Other Vehicles, Food & Fodder, Plastics and Articles thereof |