Wälzlagertechnik GmbH

Company Name:  Wälzlagertechnik GmbH

Company Website: www.waelzlagertechnik.de

Given Name and Surname of the contact window: Wilhelm Schwarz

Country in which the company is located: Germany

Products or services offered: provides bearings and drive technology, manufactures special bearings for the semiconductor industry, offers technical services for FABs, repairs cleanroom equipment, and uses its WLT CONDIMON sensor technology for system monitoring.

Type of business contacts looking for: trade partners, end customers, buyers

Company Profile:

As an independent supplier in the field of bearings, WLT has been supplying a wide range of bearings and drive technology to numerous customers in industry, trade and retail for over 34 years. We also manufacture high-quality special bearings for demanding applications in the semiconductor industry.

However, we are not just a distributor and manufacturer of bearings - our WLT experts offer comprehensive technical services. In Europe, our engineering and service teams look after the internal transport systems of the 200mm and 300mm FABs (Conveyor & OHT). But we also repair air spindles, linear modules and motors in a wide range of cleanroom applications.

Finally, WLT deploys its self-developed, intelligent sensor technology, known as WLT CONDIMON, for the sensory monitoring of customer systems in order to detect mechanical wear, control production parameters and avoid unplanned machine downtimes.