As part of the “Mittelstand Global” initiative, DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., the service Unit of the German Trade Office Taipei is inviting German Startups in the field of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on a virtual visit to Taiwan between Mar. 21st-25th.
The delegation visit will create a platform for Taiwanese entrepreneurs looking for innovative technologies, suppliers, and cooperation partners.
DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. will host the Online Pitching Panel: Blockchain and AI innovative technology on March 22nd. The German delegation members will present the innovative ideas and the industrial experts will also share insights from the professional perspective. Join us online, together with leading German and Taiwanese government and industry representatives to learn more about bilateral cooperation potential in the Blockchain and AI sectors!
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Time: 15:00 - 19:00 (08:00 - 12:00 Berlin time)
Tw. time | Ger. time | Agenda |
15:00-15:30 | 08:00-08:30 | Networking via Remo |
15:30-15:35 | 08:30-08:35 | Welcome and technical instructions Moderation: Dana Ye, Market Entry Manager, DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. |
15:35-15:45 | 08:35-08:45 | Opening Remarks
15:45-16:00 | 08:45-09:00 | German Blockchain solutions’ competitive advantage Florian Glatz, President, The German Blockchain Association |
16:00-16:10 | 09:00-09:10 | Enabling asset-as-a-service business models in industry 4.0 Lukas Schmidt, Senior Vice President, CashOnLedger Technologies GmbH |
16:10-16:20 | 09:10-09:20 | NFT Hype 2021. What is a non-fungible tokens and its potentials Michael Zölch, CEO & Founder, Certyfact UG |
16:20-16:30 | 09:20-09:30 | Market Standards for Global Token Markets Christian Viehof, Executive Director, International Token Standartization e.V. |
16:30-16:40 | 09:30-09:40 | The Jolocom Solution for Self-Sovereign Identity Management Irene Adamski, Head of Operation, Jolocom GmbH |
16:40-16:55 | 09:45-09:55 | Shaping web 3.0 Macus Nasaek, CEO, sideos GmbH |
16:50-17:00 | 09:55-10:00 | Q&A and Panel Discussion |
17:00-17:10 | 10:00-10:10 | Coffee Break & Networking via Remo |
17:10-17:25 | 10:10-10:25 | Taiwan: your AI cooperation partner in Asia Ethan Tu, Founder, Taiwan AI Labs |
17:25-17:35 | 10:25-10:35 | A vision for indirect procurement – Lhotse Nicholas Martin, Growth Manager, Lhotse Technologies GmbH |
17:35-17:45 | 10:35-10:45 | pado: the high value of mobility data monetization Domenico Salazzo, CEO, Pado-community GmbH |
17:45-17:55 | 10:45-10:55 | Decide Better. Now! Timo Mohr, Lead Developer, Senseering GmbH |
17:55-18:05 | 10:55-11:05 | Easily create perfect interfaces between humans and machines Patrick Theobald, CEO, Peakboard GmbH |
18:05-18:15 | 11:05-11:15 | PowerJames GmbH Jonas Moßler, Founder |
18:15-18:25 | 11:15-11:25 | Q&A and Panel Discussion |
18:25-18:30 | 11:25-11:30 | Closing Remarks |
18:30 | 11:30 | Networking via Remo |
* Agenda may be subject to change.
Delegation members
- Cash On Ledger GmbH
- Certyfact UG
- International Token Standartization e.V.
- Jolocom GmbH
- Lhotse Technologies GmbH
- Pado-community GmbH
- Peakboard GmbH
- PowerJames GmbH
- Senseering GmbH
- Sideos GmbH