GTO News

Dr. Jan Grotheer talks about Citizen’s Trust in the Judiciary - Experiences from Germany


On January 15th, the German-Taiwanese Jurist Society (DJTV) celebrated the opening ceremony of its Taipei Office in the Judicial Yuan. The ceremony was initiated by welcome remarks of the Judicial Yuan President Mr. Hsu, President of DJTV Dr. Jan Grotheer and other guests of honor. Executive Director of the German Trade Office Taipei, Mr. Axel Limberg also gave a keynote speech under the title "Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany".

On January 15th, the German-Taiwanese Jurist Society (DJTV) celebrated the opening ceremony of its Taipei Office in the Judicial Yuan. The ceremony was initiated by welcome remarks of the Judicial Yuan President Mr. Hsu, President of DJTV Dr. Jan Grotheer and other guests of honor. Executive Director of the German Trade Office Taipei, Mr. Axel Limberg also gave a keynote speech under the title "Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany".


Dr. Grotheer served as a lawyer and as a judge at the Hamburg City District Court, as president of the Financial Court Hamburg, and as the German representative of the International Association of Judges. Furthermore, he is also the President of the German-Taiwanese and German-Japanese Jurist Society. He has long devoted himself to promoting the judicial exchange between Taiwan and Germany. 


In his speech, Dr. Grotheer pointed out that the way the Federal Constitution Court maintains the Basic Law in Germany and protects the form of government is the root of the citizens’ confidence in the judiciary. German citizens can participate in the judgments which makes the court work more transparent. According to Dr. Grotheer, German judiciary provides comprehensive access to legal rights and a high level of refereeing quality. These all contribute to establishing a healthy national trust in the judiciary.

More here: DTJV-Info Nr. 12, Jan 2018